Women have every reason to be angry!
Because of Expectations!
You expect us to be passive, giggly, unopinionated, cute, and flirty!
(if we're not then we must be dykes, or worse, on our periods!)
You've expected this for so long that WE expect ourselves to be this way!

You DON'T expect us to raise our voices
to HAVE voices!
to say NO
to be Human Beings!

Women have every reason to be angry!
Because of Judgements!
You judge us based on one glance...
The evidence: face, hair, weight, breast size, ass size, clothes
(cleavage revealage? how high up the thighs?), race
(oohh...Asians are exotic...Blacks are slutty...Latinas have that sexy accent...)
One of two rulings will prevail: Cute, or Not cute

You judge us so much that WE judge Each Other, and Ourselves!
Loss of self esteem, Jealousy, Resentment
Compare Compare Compare!
Your tactic is Divide and Conquer but we will NOT succumb to your
socio-psychological war games!

Women have every reason to be angry!
Because of Invalidation!
You invalidate our opinions
You invalidate our emotions (PMS! a convenient explanation for acting Human)
You invalidate our human-ness: to you we are one-dimensional;
we are physical appearance and charm and mannerisms but not SOUL;
we are good/bad at singing, talkative/reticent, but we are not VOICE;
Nor are we Intellect, Nor are we Strength, Nor are we Power.

Women have every reason to be angry!
At Society, for its false constructs, oppressive myths, and impossible expectations.
At Men, for allowing themselves to be Spoonfed all this Bullshit and Perpetuating it!
At Themselves, for blindly following expectations, for not
Challenging the status quo, for not Liberating themselves from
the Cage into which they were born!

We, as Women, have the Right to be Angry!
